Towel Manufacturer & Exporter

Sales & Customer Services

What happens when I request a quote?

We get back to you within twenty-four hours and usually much faster with a quote for your order and the email address of your personal assistant for any questions you might have. Your project could be under way within a day.

What should I know before placing an order with your company?

Sometimes we work with customers who have an exact idea of what they want; others have only begun the creative process. You don’t need to know “anything” before you work with us; we help you through the creative process and production process to whatever extent you need. That’s our job.

We’d also love you to know that, working with us, you’re working with a company that handles products for global fashion brands — and in fact, there’s a good chance you might have run into one of our goods and not known it. Check us out and send us an email or a quote request — you’ll find that we’re upfront, informative and excited about any creative projects.

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